Mongolia and the End of the Mongol Rally!


Leaving Russia The ambulance hadn’t been fairing well over the last few weeks and a few problems had come up at the border. Lucky we had time: apparently only 6 cars would be allowed through each hour, and we were at least 3 hours back in line. The cold woke us all early that morning … Read more

Mongolian Rally – Kyrgyzstan to Russia


“If” is a funny word… If we hadn’t have stopped for lunch, If we had stopped for a swim, If we hadn’t have seen the truck crash. What if we didn’t stop for dinner the night before. If, if, if. All things turned out well though and after our drama we met up with a … Read more

Bukhara Turkmenistan and onto Uzbekistan

For sheer WTF value Turkmenistan is off the charts! The border should have been a warning for us. 5 hours through here for what was essentially a big show with no real substance. I changed some money into the local currency and the mono-browed angry, clenched woman behind the desk wouldn’t accept any of my … Read more

Mongolian Rally Iran


Next came the Iranian Border: and it was very easy. A Turkish gentleman who just likes to help and practices his language skills by getting travellers through the border made the ordeal through the Iranian border a breeze. A cursory check of the vehicle by bored officials and then into the Persian side where I … Read more

Mongolian Rally Turkey to Iraq


Hey there again! I just wanted to mention a couple of things and maybe explain a few things a little better for you: I’m not a lonely planet kind of guide. So you may find my blog a little short of detail sometimes. But I have to tell you that I’m trying to give you … Read more

Mongolian Rally from Goodwood to Czech Republic

The next morning we woke to a great day (it wasn’t sunny of course, in the UK if it’s not raining it’s a great day) and were approached by Cameron and Sean, a couple of guys from another team whose Ambulance broke down, to see if they could tag along. Sure! We managed to get … Read more

Mongolian Rally

A big part of my trip is this thing called the Mongol Rally. I met my teammate, Josh, online. And no this isn’t a big, weird, date… The Rally details are here… The Beginning It has been decided that filling a second hand ambulance with as much food, people, beer and camping gear as … Read more